Uttaranchal Jan & Vikas Samiti

Vision & Mission

UJVS is committed to deliver service to the community at various aspects such as women empowerment, health & hygiene, HIV/AIDS awareness, natural resource management, watershed etc. The organization is fully committed to reach the unreached with possible way of life so that they may have opportunity to live a life with dignity by generating self supporting/income generation activities.

Our Vision : –

Our vision is to be a catalyst of change in supporting the local community towards eradication of poverty through sustainable livelihood initiatives, creation of a society firmly rooted on the principles of social harmony, justice and solidarity.

Our Mission : –

Our mission is to improve the quality of life of rural people-especially women and the disadvantaged in the Garhwal region of Uttarakhnad. Our approach at UJVS towards fulfillment of our goals is through interventions in education with special emphasis on the girl child, natural resource management and by providing access to diversified livelihood options.